Thursday, March 15, 2007

Our Logo - 2007

Check out our new COGS Youth logo.
Comments welcome!

A brief explanation of the logo -
Christ, as represented by the crucifix, is central to our youth fellowship.
COGS Youth seek to be a solid rock; a steadfast Christian witness to the world around us. And the colour orange symbolizes our vibrancy, energy and fun-filled fellowship!


COGSCreationYouth praised Jesus at Thursday, March 15, 2007

Tuesday, March 6, 2007


WELCOME to our new COGS CREATION YOUTH group blog site!!! We hope to have you join us real soon, to participate in all the activities we have in store all year round. God bless!

COGSCreationYouth praised Jesus at Tuesday, March 06, 2007

About CretioN YoutH

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Our Purpose

Our ministry exists to REACH non-believers,
To CONNECT them with other Christians,
To help them GROW in their faith,
and to challenge every member to DISCOVER their gifts,
and LOVE God with passion.

News UPDATE!!!

- Alpha Course!!
- Chinese Diocesan Youth Camp 8-11/06/09

Message Board

Great Sites to View~!

Hillsong Australia
Anglican Diocese Of Sabah
Music for Christian
World's #1 Christian Portal
Planet Shakers

Monthly Archives

March 2007
December 2008
April 2009


Blog Skin & Design


Designing Program
Adobe Photoshop

Bible Verses
Matthew 27:50-55 (NIV)
Romans 5:8 (NIV)

IceCracks Fractal Brushes Set1
Tree Brushes by JavierZhX

Creative Commons License
This work by this is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.