Sunday, April 5, 2009

Lastest InFO About Creation~

Currently in Creation Youth, We are having a Youth Alpha Course through out our every Saturday's sessions... The course would probably end in End of April or beginning of May..

The Youth Alpha course is an opportunity for anyone to explore the Christian faith in a relaxed, non-threatening way over ten thought-provoking sessions

It's low key, friendly and fun. You get to ask any questions you want and chat through the issues in a place where your views are respected.

For more information about Youth Alpha, check out this Website for more details ..

Not Only that, The Sabah Chinese Diocesan Youth Camp will be held in Sandakan and the date had set to 8-11/06/09 .. Forms are already available.. There will be another post about the info for the camp..

For more Details, pls Contact,
COGS church : 089- 216081 or 089-216051
Our Pastor IN charge @ Ps Hyen Tze : 013-8837782
Eric Fung : 016-8310902


COGSCreationYouth praised Jesus at Sunday, April 05, 2009

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Updates For Youth's leader Retreat

On 26/12 till 29/12 of 2008, the youths has organized a youth retreat for the youth leaders who have been working our through out the years.. The Retreat was organized by our very own pastor, and was held in Kudat..

Youth leaders stayed in St.James Anglican church through out the retreat and enjoyed a lot during the retreat.. They went to beaches, the town area to enjoy the more nature side of the world.. Not only that, youth leaders were given talks and did bible studies to build up their leadership, and Faith on God..

Overall, the trip was relaxing and it had certainly been very helpful and gave all the leaders a new aim and Target towards 2009 for Creation Youth

here are some of the Pictures taken(More to be added soon):

COGSCreationYouth praised Jesus at Saturday, April 04, 2009

About CretioN YoutH

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Our Purpose

Our ministry exists to REACH non-believers,
To CONNECT them with other Christians,
To help them GROW in their faith,
and to challenge every member to DISCOVER their gifts,
and LOVE God with passion.

News UPDATE!!!

- Alpha Course!!
- Chinese Diocesan Youth Camp 8-11/06/09

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Anglican Diocese Of Sabah
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